The Council

The Parish Council is the tier of local government after the District Council (our local Councillor is Angus Thompson) and the County Council. From May 2017, Angus became our County Councillor, too. The Parish Council comprises seven village residents who freely give their time to represent the interests of the village and work to improve quality of life and the local environment. They are advised and supported by the Parish Clerk.

The Parish Council is accountable to the residents of the Parish who are entitled and very welcome to attend Council meetings as 'observers'. Meetings are normally held on the second Thursday of each month. Please feel free to come and join us. Villagers can raise issues to be discussed at such meetings by contacting the Parish Clerk or one of the Council members at least one week before a meeting.

CORONAVIRUS 2020-21 - Covid-19

Parish Council meetings have now returned to physical meetings in the Memorial Hall on the second Thursday of the month (excepting February and August), starting at 7.00pm prompt. Our thanks go to the Management Committee for providing a clean and safe environment for all the Hall's users.

Members of the public and the Press are welcome to attend all Parish Council meetings as observers, providing we comply with current Government legislation and with the Memorial Hall's own safety rules. If you need clarification, please contact the Parish Clerk.

Wash hands . Make space . Keep safe