St Michael and All Angels Church

t Michael and All Angels Church

Our Church, St Michael and All Angels, (also please click here for more information) lies just outside the village at the end of a fine avenue of lime trees off the road to Moulton. It has been suggested that a building existed here in the twelfth century and that there was a close association with St Mary’s Abbey in York.

t Michael and All Angels Church

The Church was restored and renovated between 1867-79 under the direction of Sir George Gilbert Scott who also designed the Albert Memorial in Hyde Park. The Church has close links with Middleton Tyas C of E Primary School who hold four services a year there and who also run a thriving “St. Michaels Club”. There are active social activities to support fund raising for the Church and together with enthusiastic villagers we ensure our Church is well maintained and open to welcome visitors. For more information about the Church including service times and contacts please follow this link:


  • Vicar:  Name*** + Tel: 01325 ***
  • Weddings: Contact Mrs. Diana Donnison Tel. 01325 377641